As a Dental Hygienist, Should You Consider Laser Dentistry Certification?

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS
02/01/2024 9:56 AM - Comment(s)

Dental hygienists these days are all familiar with dental laser technology. But familiarity alone won’t offer the benefits of certification. The dental laser offers hygienists and dentists alike a range of benefits not available with , which in turn means a better patient experience.  traditional tools and techniques As a dental hygienist, here’s why you should consider laser dentistry certification., which in turn means a better patient experience. As a dental hygienist, here’s why you should consider laser dentistry certification.

Understanding Dental Lasers

A dental laser is a handheld tool that emits a powerful, concentrated beam of light energy. The light and heat produced can be used to kill bacteria, remove portions of bone, and vaporize water in oral tissues.  In some cases, the Many different  procedures can be performed, including some specialty treatments like frenectomies, and all with the benefit of minimal or even no anesthesia.hard and soft tissue procedures can be performed, including some specialty treatments like frenectomies, and all with the benefit of minimal or even no anesthesia. eliminates the need for a high-speed drill, which can put patients at ease.In some cases, the dental laser eliminates the need for a high-speed drill, which can put patients at ease. dental laser eliminates the need for a high-speed drill, which can put patients at ease.

It’s essential that anyone using a dental laser is fully trained and familiar with the equipment. It’s a powerful tool that’s incredibly effective, but without proper training and knowledge, it can cause damage.  Unfortunately,  vary state by state. Some states don’t have specifics about dental laser certifications in their state practice acts and merely suggest some form of training. In both cases, Many states recognize this, and they ensure experience through stringent certification requirements. Unfortunately, educational requirements vary state by state. Some states don’t have specifics about dental laser certifications in their state practice acts and merely suggest some form of training. In both cases, Unfortunately, it’s up to the RDH or DDS to understand their state’s rules and to seek the best training they can. vary state by state. Some states don’t have specifics about dental laser certifications in their state practice acts and merely suggest some form of training. In both cases, it’s up to the RDH or DDS to understand their state’s rules and to seek the best training they can.

Laser Dentistry Training and Certification

To legally use a dental laser in Nevada, an RDH or a DDS must complete a certification course that’s been approved by the Nevada State Dental Board.  offers one such course. In California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, there is nothing currently requiring certification, but training is recommended. In these Western states, any form of training gives an RDH or DDS the experience needed to safely operate a dental laser beyond what’s currently required by law.Dedicated Dental Hygiene offers one such course. In California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, there is nothing currently requiring certification, but training is recommended. In these Western states, any form of training gives an RDH or DDS the experience needed to safely operate a dental laser beyond what’s currently required by law. offers one such course. In California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, there is nothing currently requiring certification, but training is recommended. In these Western states, any form of training gives an RDH or DDS the experience needed to safely operate a dental laser beyond what’s currently required by law.

A DDH Course & What to Expect

Dedicated Dental Hygiene is a nationally approved PACE program provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.  The course is designed to ensure practitioners feel at ease discussing and promoting the use of a dental laser with a patient, as well as using it for a range of procedures.Individuals attending a group course can expect a mix of lectures and extensive hands-on training, which gives course attendees the opportunity to develop familiarity and proficiency with the dental laser using objects that simulate a human mouth. The course is designed to ensure practitioners feel at ease discussing and promoting the use of a dental laser with a patient, as well as using it for a range of procedures. The course is designed to ensure practitioners feel at ease discussing and promoting the use of a dental laser with a patient, as well as using it for a range of procedures.

Our  is intended to accommodate the unique systems and protocols of an individual training is intended to accommodate the unique systems and protocols of an individual practice. is intended to accommodate the unique systems and protocols of an individual practice. With a customizable training platform, we’ll create a specialized course to suit the needs of your staff.With a customizable training platform, we’ll create a specialized course to suit the needs of your staff.With a customizable training platform, we’ll create a specialized course to suit the needs of your staff.

The Benefits of Certification

As a RDH or DDS with a certification in laser dentistry, your scope of practice becomes much more sophisticated.  Whether or not your state requires certification or training alone, it’s worth the investment to seek the highest standard. More and more, patients are seeking hygienists and dentists with this technology - it truly is the wave of the future. For more information,  today. A course with Dedicated Dental Hygiene is the best place to begin. For more information, us For more information, contact us today.

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS