Continuing Education Courses for Registered Dental Hygienists

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS
02/01/2024 10:02 AM - Comment(s)

In addition to our popular dental laser training courses and dental consulting services, Dedicated Den-tal Hygiene is proud to offer continuing education specifically for hygienists and dentists. Our CEs courses are offered online, and we have a mix of both free and fee-based options. Staying current on what’s happening in the dental laser industry helps ensure you can provide the best, most up-to-date care to your patients. And our online continuing education courses for registered dental hygienists makes it easy. for registered dental hygienists makes it easy. And our online continuing education courses for registered dental hygienists makes it easy.

Dental Laser Continuing Education Courses

At this time, DDH is pleased to offer a round-up of seven CE courses that cover different aspects of the dental laser:

        This online presentation dives into laser bacterial reduction (LBR), including research, facts versus myth, a review of technique, and the distinction between laser-assisted periodontal therapy (LAPT) and LBR. Register here.• Current Hygiene Terms & Technique, $20, 2CEU.This online presentation dives into laser bacterial reduction (LBR), including research, facts versus myth, a review of technique, and the distinction between laser-assisted periodontal therapy (LAPT) and LBR. This free online module offers an over-view of the historical events leading to the invention of the first ruby laser, as well as a look at the physics behind lasers. 

        • Innovative Technologies: A Review of Current Lasers, $20, 2CEU.• The History of Lasers and Physics, no cost, 2CEU. This free online module offers an over-view of the historical events leading to the invention of the first ruby laser, as well as a look at the physics behind lasers. 
Register here.

 This free online module offers an over-view of the historical events leading to the invention of the first ruby laser, as well as a look at the physics behind lasers.  This free online model reviews the various components of the dental laser involved in creating amplified light. 
 Register here.
• Laser Power & Density, no cost, 2CEU. This free online module covers laser power and density, and the application of both to patient care.         • Lasers Parts & Components, no cost, 2CEU.• Light Dynamics, no cost, 2CEU. DDH created this free online module specifically for those seeking to self-study. Clinicians will develop an understanding of laser versus ordinary light; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the different wavelengths in laser dentistry. Register here.
 Safety is a critical component of laser dentistry, and DDH designed this course to ensure clinicians are clear on appropriate safety measures. This free online model reviews the various components of the dental laser involved in creating amplified light.                                  This free online model reviews the various components of the dental laser involved in creating amplified light.  This free online module covers laser power and density, and the application of both to patient care. Register here.
 Safety is a critical component of laser dentistry, and DDH designed this course to ensure clinicians are clear on appropriate safety measures.  DDH created this free online module specifically for those seeking to self-study. Clinicians will develop an understanding of laser versus ordinary light; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the different wavelengths in laser dentistry.  DDH created this free online module specifically for those seeking to self-study. Clinicians will develop an understanding of laser versus ordinary light; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the different wavelengths in laser dentistry. Register here.
                 Safety is a critical component of laser dentistry, and DDH designed this course to ensure clinicians are clear on appropriate safety measures.  DDH created this free online module specifically for those seeking to self-study. Clinicians will develop an understanding of laser versus ordinary light; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the different wavelengths in laser dentistry. • Laser Safety, $20, 2CEU. Safety is a critical component of laser dentistry, and DDH designed this course to ensure clinicians are clear on appropriate safety measures. Register here.


DDH is committed to providing ongoing education and support that extends beyond our dental laser courses and in-office training. By offering these online CE courses, we’re helping clinicians across the country stay on the cutting edge of laser dentistry. Learn more about our CE courses here, and please reach outCE courses here, with any questions about our courses and classes.and please reach out with any questions about our courses and classes.

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS