The Dental Laser Do You Need Complete Certification or Just Basic Training?

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS
02/01/2024 9:59 AM - Comment(s)

These days, any dental hygienist or dentist is familiar with dental laser technology. The laser has been used in dentistry since the early 90s, but today’s lasers have evolved into a  that makes for a vastly superior patient experienceversatile tool that makes for a vastly superior patient experience that makes for a vastly superior patient experience that makes for a vastly superior patient experience. As more patients seek clinicians and practices that offer laser dentistry, training and certification in dental lasers is becoming an increasingly important asset for dental hygienists.    But which do you need — complete certification, or just basic training?

Understanding State Requirements

At this time, state dental boards offer  regarding the use of the dental laser. individual requirements You should know whether your state allows laser dentistry, what types of dental lasers are permitted and under what conditions, and what, if any, training requirements are necessary.regarding the use of the dental laser. Because there is no current standard that applies nationally, it’s up to the hygienist or dentist to understand what’s required in the state of their practice. You should know whether your state allows laser dentistry, what types of dental lasers are permitted and under what conditions, and what, if any, training requirements are necessary.  You should know whether your state allows laser dentistry, what types of dental lasers are permitted and under what conditions, and what, if any, training requirements are necessary.Because there is no current standard that applies nationally, it’s up to the hygienist or dentist to understand what’s required in the state of their practice. You should know whether your state allows laser dentistry, what types of dental lasers are permitted and under what conditions, and what, if any, training requirements are necessary.

Certain states permit laser dentistry without certification requirements of any kind and a general recommendation for training. But when it comes to a dental laser, and a general recommendation for training. But when it comes to a dental laser, what makes training different from a certification course? what makes training different from a certification course? 

Training vs Certification

The difference is significant. While many manufacturers of dental lasers offer basic training designed to showcase the operation of their particular laser, the focus tends to be on function.  Our courses include lectures and hands-on training to ensure that participants understand both the science behind the laser and how to confidently use this specialized tool for a variety of procedures in their daily practice.A comprehensive dental laser certification course, like those offered here at Dedicated Dental Hygiene, is designed to teach participants proficiency on both diode and CO2 lasers. Our courses include lectures and hands-on training to ensure that participants understand both the science behind the laser and how to confidently use this specialized tool for a variety of procedures in their daily practice. Our courses include lectures and hands-on training to ensure that participants understand both the science behind the laser and how to confidently use this specialized tool for a variety of procedures in their daily practice. Our courses include lectures and hands-on training to ensure that participants understand both the science behind the laser and how to confidently use this specialized tool for a variety of procedures in their daily practice.

The Better Choice

No matter what your state mandates, ensuring that you have the experience and understand to safely operate a dental laser is critical.  and that’s not guaranteed if your training consists of a manufacturer’s overview.This tool is only an asset to your practice if you know how to use it properly, and that’s not guaranteed if your training consists of a manufacturer’s overview. and that’s not guaranteed if your training consists of a manufacturer’s overview. and that’s not guaranteed if your training consists of a manufacturer’s overview.

A comprehensive certification course is the better choice, and we invite you to learn more about Dedicated Dental Hygiene.  View our As a nationally approved PACE program provider for FAGD/MAGD credit, our courses will teach you everything you need to know to use the dental laser with confidence., or  today. upcoming classes, or us, or contact us  today. today.

Kristin A. Hunter RDH BS